Thursday, November 6, 2008


I've been so busy... I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with HelloPrints. I want to do so much, but my freelance work has definitely become the stable income I need and money is tight. HelloPrints going have to be put on hold until I can really sit and think on what I can offer. There are so many talented people out there already.


Scott had joined the Cub Scout and is loving every minute of it, he was in the Halloween Parade. Can you believe this, living in my town for over 11 years and this is our third time going to this all out event. People actually mark their spot with chairs, some chained and padlocked the day before the event. Kind of funny, driving down Main Street seeing all the empty resin lawn chairs.

We had a wonderful Halloween, Amanda only made it to 3 homes. After the third house, she climbed into the carriage with her poofy belle costume on and said, "Mommy, I have too much candy. I'm all done." Unlike Scott, who was already running to the next house with his friends, Eamon and Mariah. (Note to self, stop getting costumes for him that requires me to carry things as the night progress; mask and toy weapon.) Oh, Scott was Jango Fett.

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