Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

If anyone is checking out my little blog I apologize for not writing, I've been so busy with freelance work that I haven't even kept up with my New Year's resolution. I just don't have the time dedicated in working on any of HelloPrints projects. I've also noticed I am becoming an old fart as well, I get all nostalgic whenever I hear the radio playing 80's music. While working late at night I am listening to easy listening 106.7, Bedtime Magic, the sexiest voice of David Allan Boucher. For example I am listening to Chicago. You can laugh, but I am loving it! "You're the reason in my're my inspiration..." Thank goodness nobody is around to hear my terrible singing voice. I will never make it to American Idol.

I am currently working on a wonderful pro bono project for Future Chefs. Here is their mission statement: Future Chefs prepares motivated youth for quality early employment and post secondary educational opportunities in the culinary field. Students earn scholarships and apprenticeships for post secondary training. Young participants develop a career plan and receive coaching through caring and supportive relationships with staff and industry mentors.

When things get more finalized I will post more about what I am doing. Just wanted to let some of you know that I am still around even if not posting as much.

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