Friday, December 7, 2007

Window Shopping

{ 17 Days Left } Visited my friend Alison in New York. It was extremely cold on 5th Avenue, but there were the saving graces of yummy warm chestnuts and high end shops to keep us toasty. I have to post these lovely window displays which made going downtown worth the chill factor.

Bergdorf Goodman's holiday windows are always a wonderful feast on the eyes. This awesome department store always come up with the over-the-top decorative masterpieces. This year they pay tribute to Tony Duquette, who was a fabulous interior, costume and jewelry designer. His work was brought to life with the theme of The Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Light. Each window depicted a stylish fantasy world of glistening glamour created by jewels, metals, and ornate details. It's a wonderful world to fall into.

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