Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Clueless Mom, Part Three

I am learning to be a patient mom. Yes, I am one of those annoying moms who scream at their child if they are misbehaving in class. Scott has been taking Taekwondo since September and have graduated to yellow belt.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art, loosely translated "the way of the foot and fist". His classes are on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I understand that the attention span of a 5 year old is very limited, especially with a full day of kindergarten, but somehow his lack of attention is killing me. I stand behind the glass watching him looking at the ceiling, spinning around and playing with his belt, then he turns around and looks at me. He rolls his eyes and spins some more, I stare at him and point to him to turn around. I think I've explained numerous times to him to pay attention in class. He begs me that he wants to take Taekwondo, so I sign him up for a year. Sorry, no refund. I am utterly speechless as I continue to watch him pick a lint from the carpet and hand it to his instructor, Master Ku. Master Ku ignores him, he has patience of a saint. The other mothers are poking fun at me and laughing. I try not to laugh, if he sees me laughing he'll think his behavior is alright. I spoke to the assistant instructor about my son lack of attention, she said it's normal at this age. She said I should only expect 20%-30% participation from my son.

Scott just had his first tournament. I am very proud of Scott who received 3rd place in breaking and 4th place in poomse. He didn't remember his form for his poomse. I kind of figured that would happen, but I am proud of him for trying his best. When he tested for his yellow belt, I was astonished at some of the moves he had to do to pass the test. I guess he is learning something in class, which amazes me that he can actually learn something with his back turned away from from Master Ku. My new tactic now is to sit down away from the window and try not to look at him, it's hard because it's fun to watch him kick and punch. The parents are laughing again and telling me what Scott is doing, I shake my head, what am I to do. I need to lighten up...

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